PC Gamer (Italian) 24
PC Gamer IT CD 24 2-2.iso
Text File
269 lines
RUMMY 500 (Version 6.1) - READ500.TXT
This file contains the following section:
Revision History
See the MeggieSoft Games README.TXT file for information
System Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions
Revision History
Version 1.x - Development versions.
Version 2.0 - First Shareware release. Fully functional.
Version 2.1 - Scoreboards.
2.11 - Minor improvements.
Version 2.2 - Player can freely select the last discard.
Version 2.3 - Startup window.
Version 3.0 - 3D-style user interface.
- Multiple player scoreboards .
- AutoResume.
- Sound effects.
3.01 - Maintenance release
3.02 - Maintenance release
Version 3.5 - Conforms to "Hoyle's Rules Of Games".
- Suggest.
- Undo.
- Hall Of Fame.
- League Table.
- Displays of total games won.
- Swap Cards.
- AutoPlayer.
- Quick Display.
- Animate Display (removed in version 3.9).
- Updated Help.
3.51 - Revised discard algorithms.
Version 3.6 - Changed method of taking discards.
- Undo
Version 3.7 - Sort by Suit
- Show Remaining
3.81 - Overlap Melds
- Display Turn Count
- "Master" skill level
Version 3.9 - Updated user interface
- Stagger Player Hand
- Cut For Deal
- Reset Scoreboard
- Restart Round
3.91 - Maintenance release
Version 4.0 - Custom card backs
- "Trim Corners"
- "AutoMouse - Dialogs"
4.01 - Maintenance release
4.02 - Maintenance release
Version 4.2 - Expanded "Hint"
- Double-click discard.
- "Check Meldable Discard"
- "Color Opponent Melds"
- "AutoSave"
- "AutoStart"
- Enhanced "Champion" and "Master"
Version 4.3 - Trapping and ignoring of double-clicks
- Manual arrangement of cards in player's hand
- "No Sorting"
- Descriptions of melded cards.
- "No Bell"
- "Display Error Box"
Version 5.0:
Display - Enhanced 3D cosmetics for main display window.
- Almost all texts now displayed "unbolded".
- Improved handling of "Large Fonts" display mode.
- Dialog background color can now be changed.
- Card-by-card dealing.
- "Quick Deal"
- "Assist" button in some dialog boxes.
- "On-Screen" scoresheet.
- Other on-screen counters moved to status bar.
- Scoremasts display player name and opponent skill.
- Rummy 500 main window is now dynamically resizable.
- Four screen resolution sizes plus custom resizing.
- Four different card sizes.
Interface - ALT key with the left mouse button is equivalent to
the right mouse button.
- "Drag and Drop".
- Ability to set aside cards as a separate group.
- Top stock card displayed while the mouse is down.
- New status bar button to invoke Assist!
Assistant - "Recall", "Deduce" and "Show Distribution" options.
Sound - MIDI music files support.
- "Shuffle" and "Play Card" sound effects.
- "Speak-To-Me" synthesized speech capability
Logic - Improved opponent logic.
- Improved Suggest (hint) facility.
Rules - "Persian Jokers"
- "Born To Meld"
- Optional scoring bonuses.
- Bonuses and rule options reminder display.
Miscellany - "AutoMouse" options moved to "Player" menu.
- AutoPlayer information counter displays.
- Various minor improvements.
- Some maintenance fixes.
Price - The registration fee has increased to $15 ($20 with
diskette) and a new registration coding introduced.
Version 5.01 - Maintenance release
- Fixed problem with Ace sometimes not being able to
be melded by the player.
- Improved Champion and Master skill level algorithms.
5.02 - Maintenance release
- Fixed problem with Joker being meldedable as an Ace.
- Fixed problem with opponent red jokers disappearing.
- Adjusted Master skill level algorithm to be less
aggressive/reckless in latter part of a round.
- Fixed problem with "cut for deal" display at larger
screen resolution sizes.
- Fixed "Invalid Property Value" problem.
problem caused by missing fonts.
- Fixed "Type Mismatch" problem.
5.03 - Maintenance release
- Fixed problem where "Sound Effects" enabled setting
not being saved.
- Fixed Carefree skill level hanging problem.
- Added shuffle after cut for deal to ensure player
doesn't take advantage of card positions in the
5.04 - Maintenance release
- Fixed problem which could very rarely permit the
opponent to not meld a discard that it took.
5.05 - Maintenance release
- Fixed problem where Music details were sometimes
not correctly updated after having been changed.
- Display of cards dealt now in order (non-dealer
receives first card).
- Corrected window positioning when window size
equals screen resolution setting.
- Updated help file and order form to accomodate
release of Pinochle.
- Fixed problem of Hall Of Fame being incorrectly
displayed when "Speak-To-Me" option is enabled.
5.06 - Maintenance release
- Detects invalid sound file definitions and
ignores sound instead of giving "Bad File Name"
- Fixed failure to show "True Corners" on some
melded cards.
5.07 - Fixed problem where card display in player's
hand was sometimes not correctly refreshed when
highlighting and melding.
- Altered shuffle method to overcome reports of same
hands sometimes being redealt.
Version 5.1 - Incorporated WinSpeech technology as an
integral part of Rummy 500. WinSpeech is
licensed by MeggieSoft Games from PC WholeWare.
- Speak-To-Me facility now includes ability to
change pitch, tempo, and volume.
- Changes to file selection facility for music and
sound effect files.
Version 5.2 - Meld scores are now spoken as melds are played.
- Added rule options for Run Melds and Rank Melds
- Improved handling when missing speech file is
- Fixed problem of abrupt exit from File Selector
when a referenced directory has been removed.
Version 6 - Reorganized menus to Windows 95 style (even
when running under Windows 3.x). Added Edit
Preferences feature to consolidate configuration
and rule options.
- Right-clicking now displays a pop-up menu of
frequently used main menu options.
- Released both 16-bit and 32-bit versions. 16-bit
versions continue to use RUMMY500.INI for saving
option preferences; 32-bit versions use the
- Added card movement animation with adjustable
animation speed (may be suppressed via Preferences
- Added visual Drag-and-Drop to display card as it
is dragged (may be suppressed via Preferences
- Added custom mousepointer cursors.
- Scores may be displayed either as scoremasts, or
in the title bar, or in the status bar.
- Melds may now be laid down card-by-card.
- Freely selectable optional table and mat
background images (wmf or bmp).
- Freely selectable card back images (wmf or bmp).
- Cards are now completely rectangular (no grey
corner flash) except when "Rounded Corners" option
is selected.
- Highlighted card color tint now customizable as an
alternative to using a negative image.
- Added "Tool Tips" for status bar buttons.
- "Silent Deal" speeds card-by-card dealing when
"Play Card" sound effect is active.
- VBCTL3D.VBX support dropped (3-D effects are now
supported from within the Visual Basic programming
- New "Start Button"
- Help menu now provides access to readme files and
MeggieSoft Games web site (if system configured for
internet access).
- Sound synchronization is now suppressable for users
who find that their systems give problems when
Rummy 500 waits for silence between sound effects
and speech outputs.
- The double-clicking method of protecting against
accidental discarding has been replaced by a
confirming pop-up menu entry.
- The Default player settings are no longer used as
defaults for other players. All defaults are the
factory defaults.
- Completely rewritten help file.
- Various other minor improvements.
- Maintenance fixes to address reported problems.
Version 6.1 - Fixed bug whereby a previously finished game
scoreboard was being continued when the program
was next run
- Replaced sound effects with uncopyrighted sound
- 32-bit versions now work correctly with Windows NT
- Card selection now works correctly with staggered
hand displays
- Minor bug fixes and cosmetic improvements
Rummy 500 ⌐ MeggieSoft Games 1994-1997. All Rights Reserved.